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Author Guidelines


  1. How to operate OJS system, please refer to this page
  2. Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi accepts only submission written in Bahasa Indonesia or in English.
  3. Author must register and login to make submission.
  4. Neither article submission nor article processing will be imposed any charge.
  5. The author must state that the submitted scientific work/manuscript has not been published yet and will not be published in other media. The form can be found here.
  6. Author approve that published scientific work/manuscript is subject to license of Cretaive Common Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0.
  7. The submission is accompanied by author's name, the name and address of affiliation, phone number, fax, and valid e-mail. 
  8. Acceptance or rejection of the manuscript will be notified by email. 
  9. Review Policy. Each received article/manuscript  will go through the process of double blind review. Acceptance or rejection will be under the following provision:
    • The topic of submission is in accordance with scope of Buletin Pos dan Telekomunikasi
    • Fulfillment of the standards/requirements of publication especially that are stated in this guidelines;
    • Contribution of research to the society, development of technology and policy in the field of information and communication technology.


  1. Panduan dalam bahasa Indonesia (Guideline in bahasa Indonesia). Anda dapat memperoleh panduan dalam bahasa Indonesia di dalam template jurnal yang dapat diunduh disini.
  2. Template. Prepare and submit your manuscript on the provided template that can be found here.
  3. Manuscript. It should be written with word processing software on A4 size paper. Please follow the rules regarding font's size, type, spacing, style as used in the template. 
  4. Title, Abstract and Keywords
    • Title, Abstract and Keywords must be written in bilingual. However, If none of Authors is native Indonesian speaker, you are allowed to leave all Indonesian parts blank.
    • The title is written using Times New Roman 16, bold, left aligned.
    • Abstracts consists of no more than 200 words, Times New Roman 9, 1-spaced, contains the essence of the article and includes a brief background, objectives, methods and results or findings of the study. Abstract is written in one paragraph.
    • Keywords are written in Indonesia and English 3-5 words/phrases and consist of important words/phrases from the article.
  5. Author's name, affiliation, affiliation address and email. State clearly and include country's name on your affiliation address.
  6. Introduction.State adequate background, issues and objectives, avoiding a detailed literature survey or a summary of the results. Explain how you addressed the problem and clearly state the aims of your study.
  7. Literature review/related work/desktop study. This chapter contains everything related to the paper. You can also include similar works or works related to your paper.
  8. Method. Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi is a scientific magazine, so  the used method is the scientific method in the form of study of literature, observation, surveys, interviews, Focus Group Discussion, system testing or simulation and other techniques commonly used in the world of research. It is also recommended to describe analysis techniques used briefly and clearly, so that the reader can easily understand.
  9. Result and Discussion. Results should be clear, concise and not in the form of raw data. Discussion should explore the significance of the results of the work, not repeat them. Avoid extensive citations and discussion of published literature. BPostel will do the final formatting of your paper.
  10. Conclusion. Conclusion should lead the reader to important matter of the paper. Authors are allowed to include suggestion or recommendation in this section. Write conclusion, suggestion and/or recommendation in narrative form (avoid of using bulleting and numbering)
  11. Acknowledgments. It is highly recommended to acknowledge a person and/or organizations helping author(s) in many ways. Sponsor and financial support acknowledgments should be included in this section. Should you have lots of parties to be acknowledged, state your acknowledgments only in one paragraph. Avoid of using bulleting and numbering in this section
  12. Bibliography (examples could be seen below)
    • Bibliography must  be written in APA-Style format and it is highly recommended to use  a reference manager application such asMendeley, ZoteroEndNote, etc. Further explanation about the APA-Style can be seen here
    • The number of references are not less than 10 with at least 8 primary references. Primary references are include journal, thesis, disertation and all kinds of research reports. All refferences must come from source published in last 7 years.
    • When references are obtained from the internet, it is not allowed to cite from wikipedia, personal blog, or non scientific website. the website must be reliable. 
    • Bibliography must be sorted by author name in ascending order
    • Authors are not allowed to include a reference in the form of footnotes or endnotes.
  1. Appendix (if any)
  1. Additional Rule
  1. Heading. Authors are allowed to write heading up to level 3, the provision as follows:
    • Heading 1: Times New Roman 11, bold, left-aligned
    • Heading 2, Heading 3: Times New Roman 11, left aligned
    • Numbering using Arabic numerals, with the following format:

                      1. (Style : BPostel Heading 1)
                      1.1 (Style : BPostel Heading 2)
                      1.1.1 (Style : BPostel Heading 3)

           Should you needs more numbering style, please refer to this rule:







  1. Figure.Each figure/graphic must be accompanied with Figure's number indicates the order of figures. Figure's number does not include chapter number (i.e Figure 1, Figure 2, etc.). Numbering and title are written below corresponding figure/graphic  and center justified. Figure/graphic's source is written in parentheses after the title

  2. Table. Each table must be accompanied with Table's number indicates the order of Tables. Table's number does not include chapter number (eg Table 1, Table 2, etc.). Number and title of the table are written above the table and center justified. Tables are presented without vertical lines. Table's source is placed under the table and left justified. Table contents must be editable and not in the form of images.

  1. Mathematical Equation/Formula. The mathematical equation should be written clearly, and must be numbered without including the number of chapters and equipped with information as needed.
  1. The following are examples of writing bibliography in APA style

Book (1 author)

Latan, H. (2012). Structural Equation Modeling, Konsep dan Aplikasi menggunakan program Lisrel 8.80 (Kesatu., p. 37). Bandung: CV Alfabeta.

Book (more than 1 author)

Sarwono, J., & Budiono, H. (2012). Statistik Terapan, Aplikasi Untuk Riset Skripsi, Tesis dan Disertasi menggunakan SPSS, AMOS dan Excel(Kesatu., p. 56). Jakarta: PT Elex Media Komputindo.


Cushing, B.E (1991). Sistem Informasi Akuntansi dan Organisasi Perusahaan. Edisi ke 3. Diterjemahkan oleh : Kosasih. Jakarta : R. Erlangga

Thesis, Disertation

Basit, A. (2009). Dimensioning of LTE Network Description of Models and Tool , Coverage and Capacity Estimation of 3GPP Long Term Evolution radio interface. Helsinki University of Technology.

Journal (printed version)

Ariansyah, K. (2013). Proyeksi Pertumbuhan Jumlah Pelanggan Radio Trunking Terrestrial dengan Analisis Runtun Waktu. Buletin Pos Dan Telekomunikasi11(1), 77–92.

Journal (online version)

Ariansyah, K. (2015). Estimasi kebutuhan spektrum untuk memenuhi target rencana pita lebar Indonesia di wilayah perkotaan. Buletin Pos Dan Telekomunikasi13(2), 115–132. doi:10.17933/bpostel.2015.130202


Liu, Y., Yan, S., & Yang, O. (2012). Cooperative Spectrum Detection Technology. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer Application and System Modeling (pp. 324–327). Paris, France: Atlantis Press. doi:10.2991/iccasm.2012.81

Oline Documents

Creswell, J. W. (2003). Research Design : Qualitative, Quantitative. and Mixed Methods Approaches. Sage Publications, Inc. Sage Publications, Inc. Retrieved September 12, 2013, from Framework for Design.pdf


McCall, T. (2015). Understanding the Chief Data Officer Role. Retrieved November 15, 2015, from

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

    1. Standar Umum Penulisan Karya Tulis Ilmiah
      1. Naskah ditulis dalam bahasa indonesia atau bahasa Inggris.
      2. Judul, Abstrak dan Kata Kunci harus ditulis dalam dua versi bahasa (Indonesia dan Inggris)
      3. Ditulis dengan menggunakan MS Word pada kertas ukuran A4 (210mmX297mm), font Times New Roman ukuran 12, spasi 1,15 kecuali tabel (spasi 1,0). Batas atas dan bawah 3 cm, tepi kiri dan kanan 3,17 cm). Jumlah halaman 10-15 halaman isi. Jumlah tersebut tidak termasuk lampiran.
      4. Penulisan awal paragraf pada abstrak dan isi menjorok ke dalam 1 cm.
      5. Penyebutan istilah di luar bahasa Indonesia atau Inggris harus ditulis dengan huruf cetak miring (italic)
      6. Tidak menggunakan penomoran dalam penulisan subjudul. Jika diperlukan, subjudul diperbolehkan tanpa memberikan penomoran.
    1. Struktur Karya Tulis Ilmiah

    Naskah Karya Tulis Ilmiah tersusun menurut urutan sebagai berikut:

    1. Judul
    2. Nama dan Alamat Penulis
    3. Abstrak
    4. Kata Kunci
    5. Pendahuluan (berisi latar belakang, perumusan masalah, tujuan,teori, dan hipotesis [opsional])
    6. Metode Penelitian (berisi waktu dan tempat, bahan/cara pengumpulan data, metode analisis data)
    7. Hasil dan Pembahasan
    8. Simpulan
    9. Daftar Pustaka

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Nama dan alamat email yang dimasukkan di situs jurnal hanya akan digunakan untuk tujuan yang sudah disebutkan, tidak akan disalahgunakan untuk tujuan lain atau untuk pihak lain.