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Author Guidelines

Guide for Authors – JITU

It can be advantageous to print this "Guide for Authors" section for reference during the subsequent stages of article preparation.

Summary of Important Items when submitting a manuscript

1) Be certain that your manuscript used the journal template, available on this web.

2) The manuscript must written in English

3) Please read the JITU web page on Publishing Ethics:

4) Please note maximum word is 6000, counts are based on the text, excluding abstract, keywords, references and captions.

5) Be certain that your manuscript contains suitable material for the journal. Out of scope articles will be returned to authors without review. Please read the Aims & Scope of the journal.

6) Grammar, spelling and accuracy are considered as the most important screening criterion. If your manuscript contains errors in English, it will be returned. Non-English speaking authors are encouraged to have their manuscript checked and edited by a native English speaker. Alternatively, the use of language editing services can be used to improve the English of a manuscript.

7) Manuscripts, which do not meet the novelty, significance, and competence criteria (Aims & Scope of the journal) will be returned to authors at any stage, at the discretion of the Editor.

8) References must follow the format as stipulated in this guide. Your manuscript will be returned if the format of the references is not correct (use available template).

9) Choose the appropriate article type (Research, Application, Review articles – see Aims & Scope). Ensure your manuscript falls within the word limit for the article type that you choose. Please note: maximum word count is based on the text, excluding abstract, keywords, references and captions.

10) figures must be uploaded separately and properly labelled during the submission process.

11) Briefly, the format of your manuscript must be in a word processing format (i.e. MS Word or LaTeX). currently latex cannot be processed - soon will be able. DO NOT SUBMIT PDF DOCUMENTS (PDF figures are ok).


Contact information

For general information about the journal, regarding submissions and manuscript, please contact:

Tri Anggraeni




Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The submission has not been published previously, or is under consideration by another journal (or an explanation has not been provided in comments to the editor). Manuscript files are in Microsoft Word file format. When available, URLs for references have been provided. Text 1 space; font 12; italics; not underlined (except URL address); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed in the text at appropriate points, not at the end. Texts that comply with the requirements regarding library and language style are outlined in the Author Guidelines, which will be found on the About Us page. If acceptance is for the peer-review portion of the journal, the instructions contained in Ensuring Anonymous Reviewers are followed.

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