Relation of Media on Adolescents’ Reproductive Health Attitude and Behaviour

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Tetti Solehati
Agus Rahmat
Cecep Eli Kosasih


Media as a tool that is widely used by adolescents in seeking information has an impact on their attitudes and behavior, including adolescent reproductive health behaviors. This article aimed to determine the relationship of the media with adolescent reproductive health attitudes and behaviors. The research design was a cross-sectional approach. Data collection was done through questionnaires and were analyzed using frequency distribution and chi-square test. The population of this study were students of SMPN and SMAN in Kabupaten Bandung totaling 12,000, samples were selected by stratified random sampling and totaling 668 students. The results found that the handbook (p = 0.31), newspapers (p = 0.46), TV (p = 0.63), radio (p = 1.00), VCD (p = 0.92), and the Internet (p = 0.13) had no relationship with attitude. However, internet (p = 0.03), newspapers (p = 0.01), and radio (p = 0.02) related to behavior, while handbooks (p = 0.14), TV (p = 0.49), and VCD (p = 1.00) did not have relationship with behavior. Media of internet, radio, and newspapers relate to adolescent reproductive health behavior. The media can be used as a means of education in adolescents, especially behavior about adolescent reproductive health.

Keywords: Attitude, Adolescent Reproductive Health, Behavior , Media.

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