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1. General Standards

1.1.     Articles are written in Indonesian or English, maximum of 15 pages (attachments are not included).

1.2.     Articles are written on A4 paper (210mm x 297mm), two-column layout, Times New Roman, 12pt font, space of 1.15, space1.0 for tables.

1.3.     The non-Indonesian's words are italic (for articles written in Indonesia). The non-English' words are italic (for articles written in English).

1.4.     Articles consist of : title, author's name, affiliation, affiliation address and email, abstract, keywords, introduction, methodology, result and discussion, conclussion and suggestion, acknowledgement, and references.


2. Title

Title is written in English and Indonesian (Times New Roman size 14, capital, bold,maximum 15 words).


3. Author's Name

3.1.   Written below title, Times New Roman,12 pt font, capital, bold.

3.2.   If author is more than one person, authors' names are written separated by comma and "and".


Bill Gates and Richard Gere

Steve Jobs, Bill Smith, and Richard Black


4. Affiliation

4.1.   Written below author's name, followed by affiliation address and email (Times New Roman, 12pt font).

4.2.   Personal mailing address is used for author without affiliation.


5.      Abstracts and Keywords

5.1.   Abstracts

Written in Indonesian and English, Times New Roman, 11pt font, single space. Abstract titlle is bold capitalized. The abstract should summarize the contents of the paper, should contain not more than 250 words for abstract in Indonesian and not more than 200 words for abstract in English. If article is in Indonesian then the English abstract is italic. If article is in English then the Indonesian abstract is italic.

5.2.   Keywords

Written in Indonesian and English below abstract, consist of 3 to 5 words, employes italic, Times New Roman, 11 pt font with single space.


6.      Table

6.1.   Table Label is written above table, left alignment, Times New Roman, 12pt font.

6.2.   Table number and period after table number must be bold and table title must be in normal style.

6.3.   Tables are numbered consecutively from the beginning of the article using Arabic numerals.

6.4.   Table content should be in Times New Roman, 8-11pt font with single-spaced.

6.5.   Table must be left-aligned.

6.6.  Table footnotes include table sources or notes are placed directly below the table, left-justified, Times New Roman, 10 pt font.



7.      Figures (Drawings, Graphs, Pictures, Charts)

7.1.   Figures include drawings, graphs, pictures, or charts must be centered. All figures should be in .jpg format. Figures's color must be in black and white except in exceptional circumstance.

7.2.   Figure Label is placed directly under the figure, centered below figure, Times New Roman, 12pt font.

7.3.   Figure number and period after figure number must be bold and figure title must be in normal style.

7.4.   Drawings, graphs, pictures or charts are numbered sequentially using Arabic numerals.

7.5.   Figure footnotes include figure sources or notes are placed directly below the table, left-justified, Times New Roman, 10pt font.



8.      Reference Citation and Reference List

Cite references in the text with author's last name and the year of publication which  inserted in the actual text of paper, refers to American Psychological Association (APA) style.

A reference list just include only those references which actually cited in that paper.

Example :

Adopsi internet oleh pengusaha kecil dipengaruhi oleh kemudahan penggunaan dan manfaat internet (Hermana, 2004).


8.1. Book

8.1.1. Reference format for book

Author, Initial. (Year). Book title (Edition). City of publication, Country/State: Publisher.

Book title must be in italics font.  Maximum authors in one reference is four authors. If a work has more than four authors, than the reference can only be written with the last name of the first author followed by the words et al.


Sugiyono. (2005). Memahami Penelitian Kualitatif. Bandung: CV. Alfabeta .

Forouzan, B.A., & Fegan, S.C. (2007). Data Communications And Networking (4th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.

Antasari, T., Suko, B.M., Yani, W., & Malano, R. (2007). Manajemen Catering. Jakarta: Penerbit Erlangga.

Meliono, I., et. al. (2010). Logika, Filsafat, dan Pancasila. Jakarta: Badan Penerbit Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia.


8.1.2.    New edition of book.

If this book has one editor uses (Ed.) and if this book has more one editor uses (Eds.)


Birowo, M. A. (Ed.). (2004). Metode Penelitian Komunikasi: Teori dan Aplikasi. Yogyakarta: Gitanyali.


8.1.3.     Translated  book

The translator's name (include word (Trans.)) is written after book title.


Luria, A. R. (1969). The mind of a mnemonist (L. Solotaroff, Trans.). New York: Avon Books. (Original work published 1965)


8.1.4.      One author, Multiple works published in the same year.

List works by same author and year alphabetically by title (add letter to year)


Fairclough, N. (1995a). Critical Discourse Analysis, The Critical Study of Language. London-New York: Longman.

Fairclough, N. (1995b). Media Discourse. London-New York: Edward Arnold.


8.1.5.     Same Author, Different Years

List works by same authors in order of year of publication (earliest first).


Fiske, J. (1987). Television Culture. London: Routledge.

Fiske, J. (1990). Introduction to Communication Studies. London: Routledge.


8.1.6.      Unabbreviated corporate authors


Kemenkominfo RI. (2011). Indikator TIK Indonesia 2011. Jakarta: Puslitbang Penyelenggaraan Pos dan Informatika. Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika.


8.2.   Article/ Encyclopedia

8.2.1.      Reference format for article

Author, Initial. (Year). Title of the article: Subtitle if there is one. Title of the Journal, volume(issue if used), pages.

The title of journal/encyclopedia uses italic font

Author, Initial. (Year). Title of the article. Title of the Encyclopedia, pages. Country/State: Publisher.


Tseng, Y.C., Kuo, S.P., Lee, H.W., & Huang, C.F. (2004). Location Tracking In A Wireless Sensor Network By Mobile Agents And Its Data Fusion Strategies. The Computer Journal, Vol. 47(4), hal. 448?460.

Wright, J. T. (1969). Language Varieties: Language and Dialect. Encyclopaedia of Linguistics, Information and Control, hal. 234-251. Oxford: Pergamon Press Ltd.


8.3.   Proceeding Article

Reference format for proceeding:

Author, Initial. (Year). Article Title. In Editor's initial. Editor's last name (Ed.), Proceeding/Anthology Title (starting page–finishing page). City of publication: Publisher.

Author, Initial. (Year). Article Title. In Editor's initial. Editor's last name (Ed.), Title of Proceeding (Pages). City of publication: Publisher.


Fang, Q., Zhao, F., & Guibas, L. (2003). Lightweight Sensing And Communication Protocols For Target Enumeration And Aggregation. Dalam M. Gerla, A. Ephremides, & M. Srivastava (Eds.), MobiHoc ?03 Fourth ACM


Symposium On Mobile Ad Hoc Networking And Computing (hal. 165?176). New York: ACM Press.

Imrom, M.B. (2005). Pola Komunikasi Kepemimpinan Taufik Abdullah. In M. Hisyam, et. al. (eds). Sejarah dan Dialog Peradaban (hal.81-92). Jakarta: LIPI Press.


8.4.   Websites Page

8.4.1.      Basic reference format for websites

Author, Initial. (date). Title of document [Format description]. Retrieved ...from http://xxx


Additional rules for website references:

8.4.2.      If date is not known,-substitute an approximate date with n.d. in round brackets in place of the year.

8.4.3.      If there is no author - substitute author with organisation's name.

8.4.4.      If there is no author - substitute the title in the position of the author.

8.4.5.     If the document is part of a  website page, then state the name of the organization or department  followed by the character: and website address.


Banks, I. (n.d.). The NHS Direct Healthcare Guide. Retrieved Maret 12, 2010, form http://www.healthcareguide.nhsdirect.nhs.uk.

Alexander, J., & Tate, M. A. (2001). Evaluating Web Resources. Retrieved Juli 20, 2013, from Widener University, Wolfgram Memorial Library website:http://www2.widener.edu/Wolfgram-Memorial-Library/webevaluation 



Bibliographic References Harvard Format APA Style. (2011). Retrieved Agustus 5, 2011, from University of Portsmouth website: http://www.port.ac.uk/ library/guides/ filetodownload, 137568,en.pdf.


8.5.   Media Release/ Newspaper Article

8.5.1.      If there is author

Author, Initial. (Year, Date, Month). Title of Work. Title of Newspaper/Magazine, pages.

8.5.2.      If there is no author

Title of Work. (Year) Title of Newspaper/Magazine, Date month: pages.


Irawan, A. (2010, 24 September). Impor Beras dan Manajemen Logistik Baru. Koran Tempo, A11.

Kambing Hitam Kemiskinan. (2006). Kompas, 25 November: 33.


8.6.   Unpublished papers in scientific meetings, congresses, symposiums, or seminars.

Reference Format:

Author, Initial. (Year). Title of Paper. Paper presented At scientific meetings/  congresses/ symposiums/ seminars. Title of Conference. City: Organisation Name.


Hidayat, D.N. (1979). Paradigma dan Perkembangan Penelitian Komunikasi. Makalah dalam Seminar Konvensi Nasional ISKI. Jakarta: Ikatan Sarjana Komunikasi Indonesia.


8.7.    Report

Reference format

Author, Initial. (Year). Title of report, Affiliation. City: Institution.


Budiman. (2013). Pembangunan Pusat Layanan Internet Kecamatan Di Kabupaten Simeulue, Provinsi Aceh. Laporan Penelitian, Balai Besar Pengkajian Komunikasi dan Informatika. Medan: Kementerian Komunikasi dan




8.8.   Skripsi, Thesis, dan Dissertation

Reference format is

Author,  Initial. (Year). Title of Thesis/Dissertation/Work, The Name of Faculty, City: the Name of University.


Handoko, S. (1998). Ketidakberdayaan Pasien dalam Birokrasi Rumah Sakit. Tesis, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Politik, Jogyakarta: Universitas Gadjah Mada.


9.      Article section

9.1.   Introduction, consists of:


Research problem

Purpose and advantage

Hypothesis (optional)

Literature review


9.2    Research Methodology, consists of:

Location and timeline

Type of researchs

-qualitative/quntitative approach

-nature of research: descriptive, predictive, explanative, evaluative

-subjects, objects, and measurements

Data collection techniques:

-Data sources (primary/secondary) : interview, questionnaire, Forum Group Discusion (FGD), experiment, observation, etc.

-Instruments and data collecting method

Data Analysis Methods(editing collected data and information)


9.3.   Result and Discussion

The result of this study can be represented in tables, graphs and pictures. Data analyzed uses research method that explained in research metodhology. Using comparisons of primary research findings to the findings of the


literature review are critically important for qualitative and quantitative data analysis. Discussion of this study aims to answer research question and achieve research objective.


9.4.   Conclusion and Suggestion

Conclusions contain the answers to the problems briefly, in the form of generalizations of the research's findings that match the results of the analysis or phenomenon.

Suggestions contain academic recommendations, real follow-up actions, or policy implications of conclusions.


9.5.   Acknowledgment

Acknowledgment is addressed to those who assist in the implementation of research.


9.6.   References

References must consist of at least 10 valid references. References format uses the style of the American Psychological Association (APA).





ARTICLE TITLE IN MAIN LANGUAGE [Times New Roman, 14pt font][Bold]


ARTICLE TITLE IN SECONDARY LANGUAGE [Times New Roman, 14pt font][Bold Italic]


Author's Name (without titles/degrees) [Times New Roman,12 pt font][Bold]

Affiliation's Nama




ABSTRACT [in secondary language]


Abstract  written in one paragraf  in Times New Roman, 11 pt font, with italic format  and one space. Maximum words for abstract is 200 words in English, and 250 words in Indonesian.

Keywords :  consist of 3-5 words, separated by comma, written in italic, follow the abstract language


ABSTRAK [in main language]


Abstract  written in one paragraf  in Times New Roman, 11 pt font, with italic format  and one space. Maximum words for abstract is 200 words in English, and 250 words in Indonesian.

Keywords :  consist of 3-5 words, separated by comma, written in italic, follow the abstract language



Introduction consists of : background, problem(s), research purpose(s), hypothesis (optional), reseach design (tools and timeline), and literature review (includes presentation of theories/concepts/research results and others references relevant to the research).



Explain location, timeline, type and nature, tools and materials, data collection techniques and instruments, data processing and analysis methods, applied in research.



Explain data analysis and discuss findings.



Conclusions contain the answers to the problems briefly, in the form of generalizations of the research's findings that match the results of the analysis or phenomenon. Suggestions contain academic recommendations, real follow-up actions, or policy implications of conclusions. Conclussion and suggestion narrated withoud numbering.



Acknowledgment is addressed to those who assist in the implementation of research.



References must consist of at least 10 valid references. References format uses the style of the American Psychological Association (APA).

The order of the reference is sorted alphabetically by the author's last name. For reference without author's name, the order is sorted alphabetically by the title of reference.

References are not grouped into several categories according to references type, such as: books, journals, newspapers, etc.


Hasan, S. H. (2008). Evaluasi Kurikulum. Bandung: RemajaRosdakarya.

Kambing Hitam Kemiskinan. (2006). Kompas, 25 November: 33.

Kriswati, E. (2008). Deformasi Gunung Api Bromo pada Peningkatan Aktivis Vulkanik 2006-2007. Widyariset, 11(1): 27-36.


Note: References from wikis and personal blogs are not allowed.


click the following link to download author's guidelines and article template in Indonesian

>> Panduan Penulisan dan Template



All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • Articles are written in Indonesian or English, maximum of 15 pages (attachments are not included).

  • Articles are written on A4 paper (210mm x 297mm), two-column layout, Times New Roman, 12pt font, space of 1.15, space1.0 for tables.