Framing of Online Media News about Riots in Papua (Studies on and in 2019)

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Seftiana Noorfi Widyaningsih
Rani Dwi Lestari


This study discusses the framing conducted by and on the issue of the 2019 Papua riots. It is motivated by the tendency of the different news angles from each of these both media. It uses a qualitative method using Robert Entman's media framing theory which divides framing into two large dimensions: the selection of issues and the highlighting of certain aspects of the issue. Studies on two online medias: and are intended to provide a comparison of the ideology between the domestic and foreign media in framing the issues of riots that are in direct dealing with the government. The analysis shows that conducted an issue selection by describing the riots in Papua as a security issue. This media highlighted aspects of the Indonesian government's role in overcoming the riots. On the other hand, described it as a social issue by highlighting aspects of discrimination and violence by the Indonesian government in overcoming the riots.

Rincian Artikel

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