Jurnal IPTEK-KOM (Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi Komunikasi) Vol 22, No 1, Juni 2020

Published: 2020-06-26

E-Government Readiness: Penilaian Kesiapan Aktor Utama Penerapan E-Government di Indonesia (E-Government Readiness: Main Actor Readiness Assessment for E-Government Application in Indonesia)

Abstract : 4262 | PDF : 4898

Factors Influencing e-Government Adoption (A Case Study of Information System Adoption in PPATK) (Faktor-faktor yang Memengaruhi Adopsi e-Government (Studi Kasus Adopsi Sistem Informasi di PPATK))

Abstract : 914 | PDF : 1207

Penilaian Kualitas Data Broadband Customer Profiling (BCP) Pelanggan Fixed Broadband PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk. (Data Quality Assessment of Broadband Customer Profiling (BCP) of Fixed Broadband Customer of PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk.)

Abstract : 1210 | PDF : 4523

Faktor-faktor yang Memengaruhi Penerimaan Mobile Learning Applications (Apps) (Acceptance Factors of Mobile Learning Applications (Apps))

Abstract : 729 | PDF : 786

Peran Pemerintah Daerah dalam Akselerasi Transformasi Digital Industri Kecil dan Menengah (Local Government Role in the Digital Transformation Acceleration of Small and Medium Industry)

Abstract : 3322 | PDF : 2072

Persimpangan Kebebasan Berekspresi dan Tanggung Jawab Sosial pada Regulasi Jurnalisme Digital di Indonesia (The Intersection of Freedom of Expression and Social Responsibility on Indonesian Digital Journalism Regulation)

Abstract : 2040 | PDF : 5635

Measuring the Digital Marketing Strategies Effectiveness through Social Media in Purchasing Halal Make Up Brands: A Comparative Study (Penelitian Perbandingan: Keefektifan Iklan, Celebrity Endorsement, dan Influencer Marketing dalam Memengaruhi Niat Beli Merk Make-up Halal)

Abstract : 1094 | PDF : 1110

Wacana Product Placement Tropicana Slim dalam Branded Web Series (The Discourse of Tropicana Slim’s Product Placement in Branded Web Series)

Abstract : 806 | PDF : 1639